When you wear a pair of drys well and long, some magic will come your way. The Sustainable

It’s long story.

For us durability is an equally important key factor for sustainability than environmentally friendly materials and production methods. The longer you will wear our jeans the more sustinable it will be. That’s why we try to best possible care about our products also after we sold it to you and help you to make it a long story.

We strongly believe in the 3-Re-Circle:

But if it’s those strong contrasts you’re after, keep in mind that an early wash will reduce the chances to get that distinct look. Airing them instead of washing will also save water. And this is the first part of the smart but still so simple eco cycle. Following the eco cycle makes your Nudie Jeans more beautiful while also saving resources.


We are aiming for that an UC Jeans becomes your favourite companion for any occasion and for as long time as possible.

Don´t stop wearing your UC Jeans, just because it got e.g. a hole or a pocket got damaged after you have worn it for a while. Give it a chance to be fixed.

Even if the repair will be visible it just will add another personal and authentic touch. The “scares” will tell the stories that you and your jeans experienced together.

That´s why we care about our jeans also after we sold them and offer repair services. Wherever you bought an original UC Jeans, just contact us and we will take care to find the best options to repair and revitalise it: service@upperclass.ch


Even with the most conscious and sustainable methods, the production of your jeans has required resources and already left a footprint.

So, in case your UC Jeans doesn´t fit anymore or doesn´t match anymore your personal style?  Don´t just leave it in your closet or even worse don´t just give it away!

We will happily take back your worn jeans, repair and refresh it and then offer it again to our customers as the most authentic and unique piece. service@upperclass.ch

In best case it´s worth up to 25% reduction on your next purchase of a new UC Jeans.

And the love story of your Upper Class Jeans continues….


In the case that an UC Jeans is really not repairable or re-usable anymore we will collect those until we have enough to recycle them. There are different methods to recycle denim fabric and we are permanently watching what is developing in this area.

But to be honest, we are convinced that we won´t be able to use many of our jeans to get fabrics from recycled denim that soon. Of course, we might use fabrics recycled from other brands out there in the world



Each jeans of our limited UC Rough series comes in a printed cotton bag that can be re-used instead of a throwaway packaging.

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Upper Class Jeans

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